Award category:
I feel quite lucky in the work I do as I’m passionate about making transport accessible for disabled people and this has evolved into my career. I run my own business, Dolphin Diversity Ltd where I advise the transport sector on how to be more accessible and inclusive. I work across all transport sectors and at the moment I’m contracting for Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT) on the National Rail Accessibility Strategy (NRAS) Consultation. It’s really exciting to be part of a project that I believe will make the railways so much better for everyone. I’m also working with the British Parking Association (BPA) and Disabled Motoring UK to design an accessible and EV charging standard for car parks. This should hopefully make the transition to EV a lot easier for disabled people who will be able to find accessible charging points much more easily.
In addition to running my business I hold a number of non-executive roles, one of which is as a member of the Disabled Person’s Transport Advisory Committees (DPTAC) where I regularly advise and hold to account senior civil servants and government ministers. I am also a member of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) consumer panel which is a non-statutory body established to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the CAA. I also Chair a number of other access advisory groups including one for Heathrow airport, Motability and East Midlands Railway.
It is so important that disabled people are able to contribute to transport policy and strategy and ensure that future designs and services take into account our needs. I’ve seen some great initiatives put into place as a result of some of the panels I chair such as sensory rooms at stations and dog spending areas at airports.
I believe that accessible transport opens up so many opportunities in work and education and this is why I want to see more being done to enable disabled people to travel.
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