Jamie Shields

He/ Him
Registered Blind AuDHD – Speaker Trainer & Consultant
Disabled By Society

Award category:

Grassroots Community Advocate

Hi, my name’s Jamie. I’m a self-described Registered Blind AuDHD Rhino. Rhinos are just chubby unicorns with bad eyesight; don’t believe me, google it! They really do have bad eyesight. I was born with a hereditary eye condition called Ocular Albinism with Nystagmus. Or in non-medical terms, I am the same as an albino, only with pigmentation, and my eyes like to go for uncontrolled walks or dances. I spent years being Disabled by society. As an adult, I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, which finally helped me see things a little clearer, excuse the pun. We live in a society that Disables. A society that views Disability as a problem to solve, rather than part of the human experience and part of the Solution. I am listed as one of the 100 most Influential Disabled People in the UK. I’m an award-winning Disability Accessibility Lead, and having spent the last five years working within a global recruitment organisation, I decided to break away and use my lived experience, professional experience and passion to help organisations accelerate inclusive accessible change. I do this through consulting, disability diagnostics, training and speaking under my brand name Disabled by Society.

It took 28 years of being Disabled and an Autism and ADHD diagnosis for me to finally learn, the problem isn’t me, it is a society not designed for myself and others like me


Jamie Shields
Know your rights. Know inaccessibility and ableism is not your fault; know you are not alone. Create a LinkedIn account, network and connect with other Disabled people. Be unapologetically you, and never settle for anything less than accessible.
I have built an audience of 35,000 people across LinkedIn. My content and graphics have supported people in learning about accessibility, ableism, disability, internalised ableism, and much more. These graphics are shared daily in classrooms, libraries, lecture halls, trainings, and across social media. They help others to unlearn ableism, take accountability for accessibility, and make inclusive changes. In my work, I support clients in breaking down barriers that disable candidates, clients, and customers. I do this through speaking, training, consulting, and diagnostic tools. I support organisations in accelerating inclusive and accessible change.
To leave a legacy that continues to educate people about what It means to be Disabled By Society. So that no child grows up believing I’m the problem, my Disability is the problem.
My dog Jessie. My partner. My family. My friends. Sweets.
That accessibility was mandatory learning in schools.
Disabled By Society, Helping Accelerate Inclusive Accessible Change. Contact me via scalable qr code in the image or by emailing info@disabledbysociety.com

Areas of expertise

Accessibility, Business, Disability Advocacy, Employment

Disability Power 100 profile information is self-submitted by the profile subject. Shaw Trust understands and respects that disability and impairment descriptors and language use varies from person to person. Shaw Trust assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or discrepancies in the content of this, or any other, profile page.