Maddy Alexander-Grout

Neurodivergent Money and Business Coach, Neurodiversity Influencer, Speaker, Author
Mad About Money/ Maddy Alexander Grout Coaching

Award category:

Business and Finance

I trained as a neurodiversity in the workplace specialist and started my coaching business assisting neurodivergent and disabled entrepreneurs to help them to run their businesses. I have a membership of over 200 disabled business owners. I have also launched an app for neurodivergents called Mad About Money which helps to make money more inclusive. I have grown my social media audience to over 100,000 people, and I have just secured a book deal with an international publisher for “ADHD Money and Me”

Neurodivergent and Disabled entrepreneurs can be more successful if they work with their brains and their bodies. Let’s break the stigma! We are not broken we are just wired differently


Maddy Alexander-Grout
I have helped people in debt to become debt free, I have helped people with struggling businesses to find their superpower and start smashing it. I am on my social media every day talking about my conditions. The rough and the smooth. And I think being real and honest really helps people.
I am launching my book in March next year, I am hoping this will support many neurodivergent and disabled people to help them to realise if they understand their condition that it can help them to fly.
My kids (sometimes) , helping people, my husband James , my dog Dexter. And my besties
Dogs, but only just
I would love the world to recognise and understand that neurodivergent people have amazing skills, that when put to good use can make them incredible employees or entrepreneurs
We need to keep talking, keep raising awareness. The more we talk the more people will understand
Maddy is wearing sunglasses and sat on the beach, she has red hair and is holding a plastic rainbow coloured windmill, she is wearing a zebra print dress.

Areas of expertise

Business, Community, Disability Advocacy, Employment, Finance, Health and wellbeing, Social Media influencing

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Image credits: Chris Meany Photography