Rachael Storey

Circus artist

I’m a blind contortionist, aerialist and activist with a passion for circus. I love exploring what I’m capable of. I devote my artistry to proving we should be equally valued as disabled performing artists and showcasing how circus can be accessible. Recently I was awarded multiple commissions to create a variety of circus acts. These acts celebrate how the creative possibilities of contortion, fire, dance and aerial broaden the scope of a world often narrowed by my disability. My activist work focuses on raising awareness of disability and strengthening our presence within the circus and performing arts community. This has involved writing articles about my experiences as a blind female aerial artist, consulting on accessibility with creatives, companies and organisations within circus and teaching my own workshops at conventions. I have recently been awarded a mentorship program for disabled artists with renowned aerial dance company Gravity & Levity alongside being invited to attend the European Aerial Dance Festival as a disabled artist.

The goal is not to win, it is to dare to start

Areas of expertise

Accessibility, Art, photography, Community, Cross Sector, Disability Advocacy, Education, Equality, Fashion, Health and wellbeing, Performing arts, Social Media influencing, Sport

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Image credits: MediaRatz